Monday, December 8, 2014

Toys for Tots Function

 The girls helped unload the bus full of toys at the drop off station on Saturday. What a great experience that was....
 Unloading the was a big assembly line.
 Waiting for Santa to land in the Nightingale at Toys for Tots.
 The room was full of toys being donated...sooo awesome to able to help do this. 

Reagan's Christmas Activities as Queen

 Last weekend was a busy weekend for Rea. We had three christmas parades she had to be in and a Toys for Tots function. Friday night we did the Franklin Parade, Saturday we did the Carrsville Parade and the Toys for Tots and Sunday we had the Windsor Parade. Next weekend is just as busy! She is still having a blast doing this stuff...she loves being a queen!
 Reagan with Gabby. The miss always takes the wee in the parades. The girls are all split between 3 convertibles.

 Rea and Kimberley, the Teen Miss.